
Speaking Engagement

30th Anniversary Institute for Corporate Counsel USC School of Law

Thursday, December 08 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT

INSTITUTE FOR CORPORATE COUNSELWhere Law, Business and Politics Intersect

Understanding the economic and business environment in which clients operate is critical to properly represent them. The Institute will focus on new developments in law, business and politics, providing insights into best practices and changes in law that impact business operations. The Institute includes general sessions and concurrent sessions that will allow you to tailor the learning experience to meet your practice needs.

Paul Hastings partner William Sullivan is a featured panelist at 2:00 pm to discuss "Hot Topics in Class Actions."

Class actions and collective actions involving unfair business practices continue to drain corporations. This panel will discuss the implications of recent federal and state decisions (including Wal-Mart Stores and Concepcion) on class action avoidance, strategies for pleading,discovery, class certification and trial, recovery of attorneys fees and settlements.

For additional information and to register, visit the USC website here.