California's New Employment Laws: What Your Company Needs to Know for 2021
Monday, December 14 11:30 AM EST to 1:00 PM EST
The year 2020 has secured itself as one of the most monumental years in modern history. Despite the turbulence and uncertainty of this year, however, one annual event that remains unchanged is the enactment of a wave of new employment laws by the California legislature and governor, imposing additional administrative burdens and legal risks on employers with operations in the state. Not surprisingly, a number of this year’s new employment laws relate to the coronavirus pandemic, which has resulted in thousands of Californians losing their lives, millions of workers losing their jobs, and unprecedented numbers seeking government assistance to make ends meet. The remainder of the new laws continue the past trend of creating more potential legal claims with respect to leaves of absence, workplace discrimination, and retaliation, wage and hour compliance and other aspects of the employment relationship.
Join us for a complimentary program where we will discuss these new legal obligations, best workplace practices in response to them, and how to prevent or minimize the risks for employers that these new laws create.