
Speaking Engagement

Corporate Compliance and Ethics Institute 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014 - Friday, May 30, 2014

07:00 AM GMT - 07:00 AM GMT

Legal and compliance risks for organizations are higher than ever before. Compliance and ethics programs to help organizations manage legal risks should no longer be considered optional. And as the need for compliance and ethics programs has increased, government standards on these programs have become increasingly specific. In short, at no time has promoting and maintaining an ethical corporate culture been as essential for a company’s survival and success.

PLI's conference will provide you with the tools you need to meet today’s compliance and ethics challenges. Whether you are constructing a new program or enhancing an existing one, our panels of experts will help you ensure that your company’s program satisfies government standards and best practices expectations. You’ll learn about current developments in compliance and ethics, along with practical tips on compliance and ethics risk assessments, compliance and ethics training, auditing and monitoring, helpline and investigations procedures, board and senior management oversight of your program and program structures that work. The highly interactive format will allow you to benchmark on a real-time basis and learn best practices from your peers.

Paul Hastings partner Gary Giampetruzzi is a featured panelist on Day One to discuss "Ethics for Compliance Lawyers and Compliance Officers," including topics:- Risk Assessment, Program Assessment and Attorney-Client Privilege- Lawyer Obligations Under Ethical Rules- “Who Is the Client?” Issues- Lawyers and Whistleblower Bounties- Sarbanes-Oxley Section 307 Reporting Requirements

For additional information and to register, visit the PLI site here.

Practice Areas


Anti-Corruption and FCPA


Image: Gary F. Giampetruzzi
Gary F. Giampetruzzi

Partner, Litigation Department