Speaking Engagement
Hot Topics in Commercial Bankruptcy Cases
Wednesday, November 14 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT
The Honorable Robert Ginsberg Annual Program on Commercial Bankruptcy Law Presents:Hot Topics in Commercial Bankruptcy Cases
Commercial bankruptcies have created an explosion of issues for practitioners. Some issues reflect fraud-driven bankruptcies that create big business for bankruptcy lawyers. Others reflect the challenges of reconciling the Bankruptcy Code's confirmation requirements with complicated corporate structures. This year's program will explore these hot topics.
The speakers, including Paul Hastings Of Counsel Marc Carmel, will discuss confirmation issues, including disqualification of votes on grounds of lack of good faith, classification of claims and equity interests for voting purposes and the implications of the requirement of an accepting impaired class in a multi-debtor plan.
Date: 11/13/2012 Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Location: The Chicago Bar Association, 321 South Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604 Presented by: Bankruptcy and Reorganization Experience Level: Intermediate MCLE Credit: 2.75 IL MCLE
For additional information and to regisiter, visit the Chicago Bar Association site here.