
Speaking Engagement

LACBAs Annual Securities Regulation Seminar

Friday, October 04 2:00 PM GMT to 3:00 PM GMT

Senior Securities and Exchange Commission officials, together with representatives of other regulatory agencies and leading private practitioners, will present a comprehensive review of current events and developments in the securities field. This seminar will include discussions of SEC priorities with the new SEC Division Directors as well as an overview of judicial, regulatory, and enforcement developments, recent trends in SEC enforcement, the public and private offerings of securities, regulation of investment advisors, and other matters of interest to the securities bar.

Paul Hastings partner Tom Zaccaro is a featured panelists to discuss “Self-Reporting, Cooperation and Remedies in Government Investigations” and “Ethical Considerations for the Securities Lawyer."

For additional information and to register, visit http://onlinestore.lacba.org/calendar/#ViewCalendarEvent.cfm?1=1&CalendarEventID=4340