
Speaking Engagement

National Employment Law Institute 23rd Annual Mid-Year Employment Law Conference

Thursday, May 10 09:30 AM CST to 11:45 AM CST

Chicago, IL

521 N. Rush

Chicago , USA

The National Employment Law Institute's Mid-Year Employment Law Conference, The definitive advanced-level update of the most important developments affecting the employment policies and practices of business and government, will take place May 10-11 in Chicago, IL.

Paul Hastings Employment Law Department partner, George Abele will participate on a program.

Thursday, May 10, 20188:30 amDevelopments in EEO Law

Update of Supreme Court cases and the most significant appellate court and trial court cases and their application and implications for employment practices and litigation in key substantive and procedural areas, including race, sex, color, religion, national origin, gender and pregnancy discrimination, the ADEA, damages, and injunctive relief.

For more information, visit the conference website.

Practice Areas

Employment Law
