
Speaking Engagement

USC Intellectual Property Institute 2013

Friday, March 15 05:00 AM GMT to 05:00 AM GMT

USC Gould IP Institutes are renowned both for their practicality and their high-level academic discussion. The 2013 Institute continues this dedication to keeping decision-makers and their advisors at the forefront of emerging issues and best practices in patent, copyright, trademark, and related fields.

Speakers and panels include:• Federal Circuit Chief Judge Randall Rader, Northern District of California Judge William Alsup, Eastern District of Texas Judge Rodney Gilstrap, and Central District of California Judges Andrew Guilford and John Kronstadt on the new playbook for patent litigation.• How to succeed before the ITC, with a sitting ITC administrative law judge and the former general counsel of the ITC and FTC.• The latest copyright issues affecting digital TV, Internet content, and software.• The IP year in review with Professors Lemley, McCarthy and Nimmer.

Paul Hastings partner Michael Lindsey moderates the panel on "Abuse and Misuse of Trademarks in a Social Media World" at 1:30 pm.

  • Whats a brand owner to do in policing its trademarks on social media and the Internet, given the instant and widespread communications potential? When does an aggressive trademark enforcement stance become misuse and how might that stance impact the brand? This experienced panel will address recent disputes including Matthew The Oatmeal Inman and FunnyJunk.com; Chick-fil-A and the Eat More Kale T-shirt designer; and the widely reported most polite cease and desist letter ever issued by Jack Daniels. The panel will also discuss ways to protect trademarks through social media sites and the user and trademark owner issues presented by new forums such as Pinterest.

For additional information and to registier, visit the USC site here.