Speaking Engagement
Friday, October 13 12:00 PM JST to 2:00 PM JST
The Cybersecurity Balance: Sharper Threats, Building Defense, and Owning the Problem - Robert Silvers, Former Assistant Secretary of Cyber Policy, U.S. DHS
Robert Silvers, a partner in the White Collar Investigations and Privacy and Cybersecurity practices of Paul Hastings, will be speaking at the upcoming American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) event on cybersecurity.
Hosting Committee: Information, Communications and Technology Committee
Date: Friday, October 13, 2017
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Venue: ACCJ Tokyo Office
Fee: ¥2,500 (for members) or ¥3,500 (for guests)
Meal: Light Refreshments
Registration/Cancellation Deadline: Tuesday, October 10, 12:00 pm
Leveraging from his past experience as the former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Cyber Policy under the Obama administration, Robert will discuss the trending cyber threats like ransomware and how companies should react and gear up themselves. Please see here for more details of the event.
The event is exclusively for ACCJ members and guests. To register for the event, please join ACCJ as a member by contacting Membership Services Department at info@accj.or.jp or 03-3433-7304.