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Laurent Martinet is a Complex Litigation partner, based in the firm’s Paris office. His practice covers a wide range of civil and commercial disputes including those related to products liability, energy regulation, sales and distribution regulation, corporate and shareholder disputes, directors’ and officers’ liability, and compliance. He works with clients from a broad range of industry sectors, such as chemicals, energy, IT, automotive and banking.
- Recognized by Best Lawyers in France in Litigation (2023)
- Recognized by Chambers Global and Chambers Europe in Commercial Litigation (2023)
- Recognized by The Legal 500 EMEA in Commercial Litigation (2023)
- Paris Institute of Political Studies, Diploma, 1989
- Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, DEA de droit, 1989
- A leading chemical group in a litigation initiated by a French individual against the 26 U.S. manufacturers of Agent Orange, an herbicide used during the Vietnam War
- A major operator of the electricity sector in France in various high stakes commercial and regulatory disputes
- Various top five Lebanese banks in significant cases arising in the context of the Lebanese crisis, including defense against interim attachments taken by clients in France
- A major Lebanese bank and its representative in various shareholder disputes
- A leading agrochemical company in a commercial dispute with a former contractor in relation to the explosion of a chemical factory
- An American manufacturer in the context of the Charm el-Cheik crash (Flash Airlines)
- A major player in the railway industry in complex commercial litigation relating to contractual and technical disputes in a large-scale international infrastructure project
Engagement & Publications
- "Parquet national anticriminalité, statut du repenti… Ce que contient la future loi contre le narcotrafic" Le Figaro, January 22, 2025
- "La décision rendue dans l’affaire Bismuth pourrait annoncer la mort du secret professionnel pour les avocats" Le Figaro, January 20, 2025
- “First rulings implementing the French Law on corporate duty of vigilance : the Paris Civil Court between explanation and over-interpretation” Actu-Juridique, May 3, 2023
- "SLAPPing procedures and lawyers: A draft directive that is causing debate" Dalloz Actualités, September 23, 2022
- "What are the solutions for a competitive Europe serving businesses?”, Conference organized in the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Speech on the Europe economic attractiveness thanks to law, alongside Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs - Paris (March 14, 2022)
- 40th anniversary of the recognition by France of the right of individual petition to the ECHR, A guarantee of the rule of law and progress for French justice, Introductory remarks by Laurent Martinet alongside Chantal Arens, François Molins, Robert Spano, Robert Badinter, closing remarks by Eric Dupond-Moretti - Plenary Chamber of the Court of Cassation (November 12, 2021)
- General Assembly of the Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe – Paris (27th – 28th September 2021)
- Annual meeting of the Barreaux Francophones (French Speaking bars) – Bordeaux (September 2021)
- COVID-19 Coronavirus Business Impact: How to deal with private law contract enforcement issues under French law? – Les Petites Affiches, May 18, 2020, n°153
- "Une nouvelle justice pour le monde d’après !" – Jean-Claude Magendie et Laurent Martinet – L’Opinion (May 15, 2020)
- Interviews - "Linky, un compteur dangereux ?" and "Compteur Linky : la sensibilité aux ondes reconnue par la justice" — BFM TV, TF1, RMC and France Info — Paris (July 2019)
- Interviews – L’avocat dans la Cité – I-Télé – Paris (2017)
- Vice-Chair of the French National Bar (Conseil National des Barreaux), since 2021
- Co-Chairman of the Paris Bar Law School (EFB), since 2020
- Vice Chair of the Paris Bar, 2014-2015
- Chairman of the Paris Bar Law School (EFB), 2014-2015
- Member of the Paris Bar Council, 2008-2010
- Advisor of the chair of the Paris Bar on international matters, 2011
- Secretary for the International Commission of the Paris Bar, 2010