

Certainty Under the New German Insolvency Regime: How the Administration Process Will Change and Major Improvements for Secured Creditors

Friday, May 20 04:00 AM BST to 04:00 AM BST

Paul Hastings presents a breakfast seminar focusing on the forthcoming changes to the German insolvency laws. The focus of the seminar will highlight the improvements made in the insolvency process to improve the situation of the secured creditors.

Leading insolvency and structured finance advisors and investors will discuss:

• New rights accorded to stakeholders in the appointment process of the insolvency administrator• Cutting back rights for equity that had permitted them to delay enforcement and restructuring, new possibilities of debt to equity swaps• What will be the impact for real estate transactions in Germany?• Further steps in paving the way for pre-packs in Germany


Charles Roberts, Partner - Structured FinancePaul Hastings


Dr. Christopher Wolff, Partner - RestructuringPaul Hastings

Dr. Christian Mock, Senior Associate - RestructuringPaul Hastings

Christian Köhler-Ma, Partner - Crisis ManagementLeonhardt Rechtsanwälte

DATEThursday, May 19, 20118:30 am - 9:00 am  Registration & breakfast9:00 am - 10:00 am  Seminar

LOCATIONPaul HastingsEighth FloorTen Bishops SquareLondon E1 6EG

Please RSVP by Thursday, May 5th to Harriet Abrahams at harrietabrahams@paulhastings.com or