Jennifer B. Hildebrandt is a partner in the Global Finance Group of Paul Hastings and head of the Los Angeles Corporate Department. Ms. Hildebrandt represents banks and other lenders in commercial finance matters (including asset based loans and cash flow loans), restructurings, workouts, and special situation lending. Ms. Hildebrandt has extensive experience in multi-tranche and multi-lien transactions. In particular, Ms. Hildebrandt has extensive experience representing lenders in two lien deals, split collateral deals and first-out / last-out unitranche transactions. In addition, she has experience in various business sectors including healthcare, software, retail, insurance, media, franchise, restaurants, casinos, manufacturing, and vehicle and airline transportation, and in cross-border transactions. Prior to joining Paul Hastings, Ms. Hildebrandt practiced in bankruptcy courts in the Central District of California.
- Ranked in Chambers USA (California Banking & Finance) in 2013 through 2019
- Pepperdine University School of Law, J.D. (cum laude, member of the Law Review)
- Pomona College, B.A.
Engagement & Publications
- "Drafting Standstills in Intercreditor Agreements: Balancing Rights and Remedies of Junior and Senior Lienholders" – Stafford (August 2021)
- Moderated "Need Debt Financing? Alternatives to Traditional Bank Lending" at the Institute for Corporate Counsel (December 2016)
- "Structuring Intercreditor Agreements in Split Collateral Transactions" – Strafford Webinars (October 2018 and November 2019)
- "Drafting Standstills: Junior Creditor Standstill Periods and Remedies" – Strafford Webinar (November 2016)
- "Borrower in Distress? A Toolbox for Secured Lenders" – The Secured Lender (October 2016)
- "Unitranche Credit Facilities: Advantages, Disadvantages and Recent Developments" – The Secured Lender (June 2013)
- "Equitable Subordination: What a Secured Lender Should Know" – State Bar of California Business Law News (Issue 4 2014)
- "Predictions for Intercreditor Arrangements in 2015 and Beyond – The Devil Really is in the Details" – The Secured Lender (April 2015)
- "Comparing Intercreditor Arrangements" – LSTA Loan Market Chronicle 2015
- "RadioShack – Bankruptcy Court Implicitly Recognizes Enforceability of Agreement Among Lenders But Limits Coverage of First Out Contingent Indemnification Claims" – Paul Hastings Client Alert (May 2015)
- "Unitranches: Best of Both Worlds or Worst of Two Worlds Rolled into One?" – Financial Lawyers Conference Legal Panel (November 7, 2013)
- "Agreements Among Lenders in Unitranche Lending: Structural Issues and Current Trends" – Strafford Webinar (December 3, 2013)
- "Intercreditor Issues and Unitranche Loans" – Association of Commercial Finance Attorneys CLEW (May 17, 2014)
- "Unitranche Financing for Middle Markets: Loan Facility Structure and Market Trends for Borrowers and Lenders" – Strafford Webinar (June 12, 2014)
- "UCC Foreclosures on Collateral: Effectuating a Sale and Evaluating Article 9 Alternatives" – Strafford Webinar (November 17, 2014)
- "Intercreditor Arrangements: Reading Between the Liens" – LSTA Webinar (January 20, 2015)
- "Does Unitranche Mean Unity? Demystifying the Agreement Among Lenders" – Association of Commercial Finance Attorneys Legal Panel (February 25, 2015)
- "Evaluating Key Intercreditor Arrangements: First Lien/Second Lien, Split Collateral, Senior/Mezzanine, Unitranche" – Stafford Webinar (July 2016)
- Numerous speaking engagements and training programs on a variety of topics, including:
- Restructurings and Workouts
- Intercreditor Agreements
- Split Collateral Intercreditor Arrangements
- Trends in commercial loan documentation
- Unitranche facilities
- Credit Agreements
- Due Diligence
- Member of the Commercial Transactions Committee, Business Law Section of the State Bar of California
- Member of the Business Section of the American Bar Association and the Los Angeles County Bar Association