Wage and Hour Law Forum
Wednesday, May 16 10:00 AM PST to 11:00 AM PST
California Supreme Court Adopts New Independent Contractor Test: What This Means for California Businesses
Please join us on May 16, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. PDT for a complimentary Wage and Hour Law Forum teleconference presentation providing our analysis and recommendations regarding the California Supreme Court’s recent Dynamex decision, in which the court replaced the decades-old test for determining if a worker is an employee or an independent contractor for claims asserted under California’s Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders with the “ABC” test. Dynamex has ramifications for any California business that engages independent contractors, consultants, freelancers or any similar non-employee workers.
Overview of the Dynamex Decision
How Courts May Interpret the “ABC” Test
Adjusting to a Post-Dynamex World: Risk Mitigation Steps for Different Types of Contractor Relationships
The Benefits (and Limitations) of Arbitration Provisions in Independent Contractor Agreements
For more information, contact Courtney Manning at or 213-683-5617.