Speaking Engagement
24th Annual ACI Global Conference on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - Thursday, November 18, 2010
06:00 AM GMT - 06:00 AM GMT
_ACI_s National Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act will once again provide advanced and practical insights on the latest FCPA enforcement initiatives, global anti-corruption compliance strategies and unparalleled networking opportunities. The 2010 agenda will offer hands-on, interactive and practical workshops.
Paul Hastings partner, Timothy Dickinson, is a featured panelist on Day 2 to discuss "Ensuring Adequate Financial Controls and Using Internal Audit to Prepare for Increased Books & Records Enforcement Activity" at 11:00 am.
How compliance controls and financial controls intersect
Why and how to incorporate robust FCPA auditing into your compliance programs
Evaluating the effectiveness of your business conduct guidelines
Benchmarking your FCPA audit program
Why you should audit books and records compliance
The intersection of the audit and legal functions
The need to document compliance and internal audit efforts and activities
For more information and to register, visit the ACI website here.