
Speaking Engagement

34th Annual Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute

Thursday, May 01, 2014 - Friday, May 02, 2014

07:00 AM GMT - 07:00 AM GMT

The Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute is the pre–eminent securities law conference in the Midwest. It is the only Midwest conference that brings together senior officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission and leading securities practitioners.

Paul Hastings is a proud sponsor of this conference, and partner Sherrese Smith is a featured panelist on Day One to discuss "The Pitfalls of Emerging Technology and Other Ethical Issues." Topics will include:

  • Common hazards of social media and how to manage key legal and ethical aspects

  • Avoiding Unlawful Practice of Law with respect to Rule 716 – Limited Admission of House Counsel and pro–hac vice licensing

  • Lawyers' responsibilities for client fraud

  • Confidentiality protection and attorney–client privilege

For additional information and to register, visit http://www.law.northwestern.edu/garrett/schedulegarrett.html.