
Speaking Engagement

ABA Forum on Communications Law 19th Annual Conference: Hot Issues in FCC Law

Thursday, February 06, 2014 - Saturday, February 08, 2014

1:00 PM GMT - 1:00 PM GMT

Presented by the Forum on Communications Law in conjunction with the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, the Section of Intellectual Property Law and the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, Media, Privacy and Defamation Law Committee. Partner Sherrese Smith will be speaking at the Hot Issues in FCPA Law workshop.

Hot Issues in FCC Law-So you say there’s a new Sheriff in town? What will Tom Wheeler’s agenda be as Chair of the FCC? This workshop will cover the impending priorities for the new FCC Chairman and Commissioners – the implementation of incentive auctions and spectrum reallocation, media ownership and the changes in the industry, the impact and effect of retransmission consent, new technologies in media and content (Aereo, over the top video) – and of course, some of our old favorites, indecency, net neutrality, enhanced disclosure and public file disclosures.

For more information and to register, click here.