
Speaking Engagement

ACI's Paragraph IV Disputes Conference

Wednesday, May 04, 2011 - Thursday, May 05, 2011

04:00 AM GMT - 04:00 AM GMT

Paragraph IV Disputes: Expert Insights on Hatch-Waxman Litigation Strategies for Brand Names and GenericsMay 3 - 4, 2011Marriott Downtown, New York City, NY

American Conference Institutes Paragraph IV Disputes conference is the undisputed source for Hatch-Waxman litigation strategies for brand-names and generics. This event which is widely recognized for setting the standards for Paragraph IV litigation and which also serves as the annual meeting place for the whos who of pharmaceutical patent litigation is now the single forum on which brand name and generic companies can rely for answers during this turbulent time in which the balance of power designed by the Hatch-Waxman Act may completely unravel. Come to this conference and get the up-to-the minute information that you need to prepare for the new litigation confrontations to come.

An experienced faculty comprised of respected and renowned counsel for brand name and generic pharmaceutical companies will provide insights on all facets of Paragraph IV litigation: pre-litigation concerns the commencement of suit final adjudication and every step in between. Sessions will address the key elements of Paragraph IV litigation in addition to some of the most pressing and recent controversies surrounding Paragraph IV cases, including:• Possible re-evaluation of the Invalidity standard• Double patenting obviousness• Inducement of infringement• Section 8 carve-outs• Inequitable conduct• Damages

Paul Hastings partners will moderate the following panels on Day 1, May 3, 2011.

10:45 AM "New Standards and Controversies in Double Patenting Type Obviousness: Repercussions for Paragraph IV Challenges"Moderator: Bruce Wexler of Paul Hastings

11:45 AM "Throwing Down the Gauntlet: The Paragraph IV Notice Letter"Moderator: Joseph OMalley, Jr. of Paul Hastings

For more information and to register, visit the ACI website here.