Speaking Engagement
American Fiduciary Network presents a teleconference: TARP Compliance, Disclosure & Enforcement - What Banks Need to Know About Government Money
Friday, May 08 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT
AFN presents a teleconference: TARP Compliance, Disclosure & Enforcement - What Banks Need to Know About Government Money
This teleconference features Paul Hastings partners from the Washington, DC office: Gerard Comizio and Mark Poerio.
Banks that accepted government under the Capital Purchase Program (CPP) of TARP have become subject to an increasing number of restrictions on their operations, capital structures and executive compensation plans. When the Treasury made its initial investments in banks, the restrictions seemed to be few in number and compliance routine. However, in recent months, the volume, complexity and uncertainty of new restrictions has grown substantially. TARP/CPP compliance for banks that accepted government investment has become onerous and uncertain. This has led many banks to actively consider return government investment. This program will provide you a practical guide existing and proposed restrictions on bank operations and compensation plans imposed in exchange for government investment, best practices for compliance, and a guide to returning government investment.
Overview of restrictions on banks imposed for taking TARP/CPP money
Executive compensation limitations and exceptions
Disclosure requirements
Returning the money: Recent Treasury guidance on terminating TARP
Overview of the Public-Private Partnership Investment Program and new FDIC PPIP rules
Best practices for TARP compliance and avoiding pitfalls
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