
Speaking Engagement

Breaking the (Supply) Chain: Anti-Corruption Compliance and Global Operations

Thursday, April 09 1:00 PM PDT to 2:00 PM PDT

A non-CLE program proudly presented by ABA Section of International Law International Anti-Corruption Committee

Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM ESTTeleconference 

The panel will focus on anti-corruption compliance and global supply chain issues, including the following:- Common risks inherent in the global supply chain;- How anti-corruption laws impact supply chain issues;- How to create an appropriate framework for conducting risk assessments and due diligence on suppliers and distributors; and- Steps firms should take before retaining a supplier/agent/third-party/intermediary.

Paul Hastings partner Daniel Prince will serve as the Moderator for this panel.

For additional information, visit www.americanbar.org/intlaw or email intlaw@americanbar.org.

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Image: Daniel Prince
Daniel Prince

Partner, Litigation Department