
Speaking Engagement

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude

Monday, April 08 4:00 PM EST to 5:00 PM EST

Marriott Marquis Downtown Washington. D.C.

Hosted by the Legislation and Young & New Members Committees

The bankruptcy venue statute provides debtors with significant discretion in determining where to file a bankruptcy case; in some cases, there may be dozens of jurisdictions that could serve as proper venues. So how do attorneys advise their clients on where to file? This panel will explore the myriad considerations faced by debtors (and indeed, creditors) in determining where a bankruptcy case should be filed, including circuit splits on pertinent areas of law, variations in local rules, and the amorphous “comfort” that some jurisdictions have over others.

4:00-5:00 P.M.

Brendan M. Gage, ModeratorPaul Hastings LLP; Chicago

James J. Mazza, Jr.Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP; Chicago

Kenneth PasqualeStroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP; New York

Lara R. SheikhThomson Reuters Practical Law; New York