

Cocktail Reception and Panel Discussion in Support of KIND (Kids in Need of Defense)

Wednesday, October 22 12:00 AM GMT to 01:00 AM GMT

Unaccompanied Child Migrants:A Desperate Trek in Search of Safety

On October 22, prominent speakers will address the issues surrounding the heightened migration of unaccompanied children from Central America and their search for protection. A short clip from “La Jaula de Oro,” (“The Golden Cage”), a prize-winning film about three Guatemalan children making the dangerous trip to the United States, will illustrate the courage and resiliency of children on the move, alone. A cocktail reception will provide the opportunity for networking and discussion – with a spectacular view of downtown Houston.


Brad SmithExecutive Vice Presidentand General Counsel of Microsoft

Coalter BakerInternational Republican Institutein Washington, DCFormer Staff Member of U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Irma Diaz-GonzalezPresident and CEOEmployment and Training Center

Charles FosterCo-Chairman, FosterQuan LLP

TIME6:00 pm - 8:00pm

LOCATIONPaul Hastings600 Travis Street,Houston, TX 77002

RSVPTo register, please follow this link.

CONTACTBronwen Youngbronwenyoung@paulhastings.com+1.213.683.5687