

European Debt Acquisition Teleconference Series: Practical and Legal Issues in the Acquisition and Sale of Performing and Distressed Debt

Thursday, November 06 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT

Wednesday, 5 November 20083:00 pm GMT / 4:00 pm CET

Please join us for an interactive discussion on various issues and opportunities to consider when buying or selling loan portfolios and the impact of the current financial crisis on these transactions.

Paul Hastings will host a teleconference to answer frequently-asked questions and review key topics, including current European market conditions as they relate to buying performing and non-performing debt and the various due diligence issues that are unique to different regions of Europe.

This complimentary one-hour program is part of the Paul Hastings European Debt Acquisition Teleconference Series and is offered to clients and friends of the firm.

Paul Hastings speakers will include:

Roberto Cornetta (Milan), Alper Deniz (London), Sandra Esquiva-Hesse (Paris), Philip Feder (London), Hergen Haas (Frankfurt), Keith Wilson (London), and Christopher Wolff (Frankfurt)

There will be time for Q&A following the teleconference.

Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker (Europe) LLP is a Solicitors Regulation Authority approved CPD provider and certifies that this activity is eligible for 1.0 hour of unaccredited CPD points for Solicitors qualified in England & Wales.

For more information, please contact Katie Hastings at katiehastings@paulhastings.com or +44-20-3023-5229

Practice Areas

Real Estate
