

Global Banking and Financial Services Teleconference Series: The Rise of Covered Bonds?

Friday, October 03 04:00 AM BST to 04:00 AM BST

Paul Hastings invites you to attend our Global Banking and Financial Services Teleconference Series

This Month's Featured Topic is titled: The Rise of Covered Bonds?

In the wake of the failure of Indymac Bank and a mounting cloud of uncertainty enveloping the banking industry, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation issued its Final Covered Bond Policy Statement. In a move many view as an effort by the FDIC to bolster the mortgage market and provide banks with a new liquidity tool (and funding alternative to the struggling securitization market), the Final Policy Statement may open the way to a U.S. market in covered bonds. This teleconference will address the reasons for issuing the statement, concerns regarding the use of covered bonds and their future.

Thursday, October 2, 200812:00 pm ET / 11:00 am CT/ 9:00 am PT

This complimentary one-hour program is part of the Paul Hastings Global Banking and Financial Services Teleconference Series and is offered to clients and friends of Paul Hastings.

Key topics addressed during this teleconference include:

  • A review of what constitutes a covered bond and how covered bond issuances are structured.

  • Understanding why the FDIC issued the Final Policy Statement.

  • The future and implications of covered bond issuances.

There will be time for Q&As following the teleconference.

For more information, please contact Meredith Gordonat meredithgordon@paulhastings.com or 212-318-6918

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