Hosted Event
Global Merger Control Conference: Navigating Uncharted Waters of Global Merger Regimes
Tuesday, October 29 2:00 PM GMT to 3:00 PM GMT
The Inaugural Global Merger Control Conference: Navigating Uncharted Waters of Global Merger Regimes
Join us for a briefing in person or by teleconference
In recent years, there has been a veritable “big bang” of merger control rules and regulations throughout the world. All told, of some 200 sovereign states in the world, approximately 125 have implemented merger control regimes (the latest being the 19 Eastern and Southern African States belonging to COMESA), what the Financial Times recently identified as a “new bottleneck.” How are multinational groups to deal with this regulatory challenge?
In response, Paul Hastings Global Competition Practice has organized, with Concurrences Journal, an afternoon briefing seminar, during which Competition and Antitrust partners from our Paris, Brussels, Washington, D.C., and Palo Alto offices will discuss their views with panelists involved in merger control from various horizons, on a worldwide scale, including, inter alia:
Bruno Lasserre - Chairman, French Competition AuthorityRandolph Tritell - Director, U.S. Federal Trade CommissionWillard Mwemba - Head of Mergers, COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa)Christopher B. Hockett - Chair, Antitrust Section, American Bar AssociationKaarli Eichhorn - Senior counsel, European Competition Law, General Electric
The panel discussions will deal head-on with those controversial issues of strategic importance to multinational enterprises everywhere in the world.
Michael Cohen - Partner, Washington, D.C. and Palo AltoC. Scott Hataway - Partner, Washington, D.C.Pierre Kirch - Partner, Brussels/ParisM.J. Moltenbrey - Partner, Washington, D.C.Andreas Stargard - Partner, Brussels/Washington, D.C.
DATETuesday, 29 October 2013
TIMEBriefing 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm CETReception 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm CET
LOCATIONPaul Hastings96 boulevard Haussmann75008 Parismetro: Saint Augustin(line 9) or Havre-Caumartin (lines 9,3)For directions, please go here.
RSVPby Tuesday, 22 October 2013
For additional information and to register, please follow this link.
You will have the option to participate in person or by teleconference.
CONTACTIsabelle de Hoop