Speaking Engagement
Intellectual Property Law Institute 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014 - Friday, October 17, 2014
07:00 AM GMT - 07:00 AM GMT
PLI’s Intellectual Property Law Institute is a “must-attend” program for IP lawyers. This program provides a complete analysis of key events in all areas of IP, providing updates on cases, legislation and government agency developments that IP lawyers need to know.
A highlight of the program will be a panel of in-house IP counsel from prominent companies discussing the many facets of current interest for dealing with IP and suggesting some best practices and strategies. Plenary sessions will address the Supreme Court’s increasing scrutiny of patent law; trademark hot topics; a trade secret update; recent developments in privacy law; copyright fair use and the Google Books case; the Aereo cases and public performance rights; and Ethics (one full hour of credit).
This year’s program will feature four breakout sessions, each with three current topics that will focus respectively on copyrights, licensing, patents, and trademarks. Among the breakout discussions will be discussions of lP licensing in the U.S., China, and Europe; the requirements for showing irreparable harm in trademark litigation; termination of copyright grants; and the status of software patents and business method patents.
Paul Hastings partner Victoria Cundiff is a featured speaker to discuss "Trade Secrets Update," including discussion topics such as:
Keeping ahead of the threats: establishing, implementing and updating best practices for protecting trade secrets in a networked world
Safely sharing trade secrets with others
Proving and defending against trade secrets claims
Remedies for trade secret misappropriation: designing equitable orders and calculating money awards
Handling International trade secrets disputes
How can alternative dispute resolution help resolve trade secrets disputes?
How can the Obama Administration’s strategies concerning trade secrets help?
For additional information and to register, visit the PLI site here.