LeGal Career Fair for LGBT Law Students
Friday, March 11 06:00 AM BST to 06:00 AM BST
LeGaL, New York Citys LGBT Bar Association, is pleased to announce its Seventh Annual NewYork City Metro Area LGBT Legal Career Fair, to be held on Thursday, March 10, 2011 atBenjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in Manhattan.
The Career Fair will be targeted specifically to first-year LGBT law students in the New York Citymetropolitan area. The Career Fair will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a panel discussion on being out in thework place and the recruitment and application process, followed by an information gathering sessionfrom 6:308:00 p.m., during which LGBT law students from fourteen area law schools may meetinformally with lawyers and recruiters from major area legal employers to learn about employmentopportunities in preparation for the fall 2011 recruiting season.
Paul Hastings and its New York LGBTA Network are pleased to sponsor this event.