Speaking Engagement
Litigation Risk Management Series: Wage-Hour and Worker Classification Issues
Wednesday, November 30 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT
BNA presents its Litigation Risk Management Series with a focus on "Wage-Hour and Worker Classification Issues."
Tuesday, November 29, 20111:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET
The proper classification of workers under the wage-hour laws is a an essential tool for avoiding big-ticket class litigation. In this webinar, the following topics will be discussed:
• How the misclassification of workers can, and has, led to major exposure for U.S. companies• The two major categories of worker misclassification• The proper classification of employees as exempt or non-exempt from overtime laws• The proper classification or workers as employees or non-employees (e.g., independent contractors, contingent workers, volunteers, interns, temporary, and seasonal employees)• Best practices for employers
Practical tips an attendee can expect to gain from participating in this program are:
• How to make proper classifications during the on-boarding process;• How to conduct preventative classification audits;• How to address potentially misclassified employees;• How to assess and quantify the risks and potential exposure of misclassification; and• How to mitigate damages from potential misclassification.
Those who would benefit most from attending this webinar include in-house counsel responsible for employment matters; human resources professionals; and compensation professionals.
For additional information and to register, visit the BNA website here.