Speaking Engagement
Mental Disabilities In The Workplace: Reasonable Accommodations & Strategies For Avoiding, Pursuing & Defending Litigation
Tuesday, October 28 05:00 AM GMT to 05:00 AM GMT
Stephen Sonnenberg will be chairing and speaking at a program on Mental Disabilities in the Workforce, a CLE seminar, hosted by the New York City Bar Association. The seminar is titled, "Mental Disabilities In The Workplace: Reasonable Accommodations & Strategies For Avoiding, Pursuing & Defending Litigation." The seminar will be held at the New York City Bar at 42 West 44th Street, New York, New York on Monday, October 27 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time.
The Americans with Disabilities Act and New York anti-discrimination laws afford mental and physical disabilities equal protection in the workplace. While physical impairments previously have received the lion's share of attention, employees are more frequently disclosing mental impairments and requesting accommodations. They also are submitting a growing number of mental disability discrimination charges to government agencies such as the EEOC. Representatives of the plaintiffs' bar, defense bar, and an accommodations expert will discuss the common issues and delicate problems that confront employees and employers contending with mental disabilities in the workplace.
For more details and to register for this conference go to https://www.nycbar.org/CLE/show_course.php?cnameid=1903