

New York City Bar Office for Diversity: Employment Law Issues in Diversity

Thursday, April 30 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

Join the NYC Bar for a working session on Employment Law Issues in Diversity on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, from 8:30-10:00 a.m. at the New York City Bar Association (42 West 44 Street).

From the NYC Bar Office for Diversity:Given the rash of downsizings and other changes afoot for law firms and law departments, we will address applicable principles of employment law and employment law developments on the horizon.   We will also discuss the appropriate role of diversity professionals in downsizing and other talent development initiatives. Our goal is to provide information and approaches that will assist in addressing the impact of the economic downturn on diversity programs and the professionals employed within your firms and corporations. 

We will also discuss other ways in which diversity professionals and the Association of the Bar can be instrumental in assuring this important agenda remains vital, including evaluating client commitment to diversity initiatives that help propel those in law firms.