Speaking Engagement
NIRI's Fundamentals of Investor Relations
Monday, September 10, 2012 - Thursday, September 13, 2012
04:00 AM GMT - 04:00 AM GMT
NIRI presents a comprehensive seminar, held at The Seaport Boston Hotel offers a broad overview of all aspects of investor relations, including marketing, communication, and finance. Come to Boston to hear from seasoned pros, network with your peers, compare vendor products at tabletop exhibits and jumpstart your IR career.
On September 10th at 11:00 am, Paul Hastings partner Michael Zuppone is a featured speakers to discuss "Corporate Disclosure: Issues and Best Practices" to include:Disclosure concepts duties to disclose, materialityOverview of filingsRules and regulations Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD), SOXEnforcement and oversight the SEC and Self Regulating OrganizationsProfessional liability and D&ONotice and access
For additional information and to register, visit the NIRI website here.