

Paul Hastings Briefing: Distressed Real Estate UpdatePractical and Legal Issues - Part 1 of 2

Thursday, May 20 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

Buying distressed debt in today's economy can provide numerous opportunities and create a myriad of legal issues. Understanding these legal implications when purchasing distressed debt can play a critical role in your deals.

Please join us for the first of our two-part discussion on various practical and legal issues and negotiation strategies to consider when dealing with distressed real estate in today's market.

Discussion Topics include:• Buying Distressed Debt• Enforcement Remedies• Lender Liability• Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act• Bankruptcy Issues

DATEWednesday, May 19, 2010

TIME7:30 am - 8:00 am  Registration and Continental Breakfast8:00 am - 10:00 am  Briefing

LOCATIONPaul Hastings Chicago Office191 North Wacker Drive, 8th FloorChicago, IL 60606

VALIDATED PARKINGEnter from Lake Street at Wacker Drive

ATTIREBusiness Casual

RSVP by Wednesday, May 12 to Genie Song at geniesong@paulhastings.com or 212-318-6542.

CLE Qualifications Pending Approval