
Speaking Engagement

PLI presents Managing Wage & Hour Risks 2011

Tuesday, February 08 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT

Wage and hour claims under federal and state laws are surging.  In the federal courts alone, Fair Labor Standards Act case filings have increased over 25% in the past year.  Counsel responsible for wage and hour matters must understand how to identify and anticipate wage and hour risks so that they can manage those risks through compliance programs, responses to early warning signs, cost-effective defense of wage and hour investigations and litigation, alternative dispute resolution, and innovative structures for settlements. 

PLI presents this informative session with faculty comprised of leaders in the field from the management bar and the plaintiffs bar who contribute both to the development of the substantive law and the practical aspects of managing wage and hour risks in and out of the courtroom.

Paul Hastings partner, Stephen Sonnenberg, is a featured speakers on "Class Certification and Related Discovery and Investigations" at 2:45 pm. Discussion topics include:

  • Key aspects of wage and hour collective actions (opt-in), class actions (opt-out), and hybrid actions

  • Class notice and class certification

  • Offensive and defensive discovery

  • Investigations and litigation involving multiple units or facilities

PLI New York Center, 810 Seventh Avenue at 53rd Street (21st floor), New York, New York 10019. Message Center, program days only: (212) 824-5733.

For more information, please visit the PLI website here.