Speaking Engagement
PLI’s 19th Annual Commercial Real Estate Institute
Thursday, November 09, 2017 - Friday, November 10, 2017
08:45 AM PST - 8:00 PM PST
San Francisco
Improving the skills of identifying, appreciating and weighing your client’s leverage in negotiating the commercial real estate fundamentals (rents, vacancy rates and development activity) will be the focus of the 2017 Commercial Real Estate Institute. Practitioners with this understanding will find it easier to achieve and maintain a viable real estate practice where their advice adds value. This program helps practicing attorneys enhance those abilities while performing the traditional transactional skills, and while developing workout and enforcement skills, so that they can help their clients take advantage of their leverage and regain any lost footing more quickly.
Real estate attorneys; real estate and hotel investment bankers, lenders and brokers; real estate and hotel general counsel and senior business executives; hotel asset managers and acquisition managers, and investment advisers; and other real estate or hotel advisers and consultants will benefit from attending this program.
What You Will Learn
• All new! Understanding real estate joint ventures
• Maximizing your client’s leverage in negotiating purchases and sales, and closing complex commercial transactions, in the current environment
• Identifying whether your lender is overly cautious and finding the right lending balance
• Identifying how to avoid real estate litigation in a nutshell, and knowing what to do when it is inevitable, from foreclosures to evictions
• Environmental issues affecting real estate deals
• Selected issues in shopping center transactions
• Taking advantage of the upside of greening leases and avoiding the downside and much more practical advice from experienced attorneys in the nation’s leading law firms!
Date: November 9-10, 2017
David Hamsher, Partner in Paul Hastings’ Real Estate Department, will be participating in this program,
November 10, 2017 at 9:00 am
Joint Ventures
• Context for Real Estate Joint Ventures
• Legal Structures and Governance
• Capital Obligations
• Transfer of Interests / Disputes / Exit Rights
• Duties and Conflicts of Interest
PLI California Center
685 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94105
To register, visit http://www.pli.edu/re.aspx?pk=186243&t=FPW7_FCLTY