
Speaking Engagement

Premerger Notification Compliance and Litigation Update: A 2011 Perspective LIVE Webcast

Tuesday, June 28 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

The Knowledge Congress, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Hart Holden, Of Counsel in the Paul Hastings Corporate Department, will speak at the webcast entitled: Premerger Notification Compliance and Litigation Update: A 2011 Perspective LIVE Webcast.  This event is scheduled for June 27, 2011 at 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET.

The Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) was set up to serve as effective guidelines for mergers, tender offers, and other acquisition transactions. Every year, the notifications standards are amended, sometimes significantly. Foreign regulatory authorities have been setting up their own premerger notification programs that affect US companies with global presence. In light of these recent changes, companies, their antitrust attorneys and consultants must have a complete understanding of the fundamentals and latest legal guideline updates and how those may impact their mergers, tender offers, and other acquisition transactions. In addition, for speedy conclusion of transactions, it is helpful to be able to anticipate and respond to any objections of the regulatory authorities to the transactions, such as those affecting market competitiveness, producer efficiency, consumer prices, and total welfare.

For additional information and to register, visit The Knowledge Congress website here.

Courtesy of Paul Hastings, a special discount of $50 off the registration fee is available for this webcast. Enter code "paul4979" in the "Apply Discount" section on page two of the registration form.