
Hosted Event

Recent Developments in U.S. Antitrust Investigations and Litigation

Wednesday, October 29 07:00 AM GMT to 08:00 AM GMT

The Paul Hastings Antitrust practice group will host a seminar to be held on October 29, 2014, in our Seoul office.

Jeremy Evans and Holly House will lead a lively discussion on recent developments in U.S. antitrust government investigations and civil litigation, including:- The U.S. government’s continuing aggressive prosecution and fining of companies and individuals for cartel activity- Current trends in U.S. civil antitrust class action litigation – including rise in opt outs, rulings that increase who can sue, and decisions that limit multiple recovery- The compliance imperative – why developing a compliance program can help companies avoid exposure to government investigations and expensive follow-on litigation 

For event-related questions, contact David Kim at davidkim@paulhastings.com or+82.2.6321.3809

CLE QualificationsPending approval for lawyers qualified in the following jurisdictions: California, Georgia, Illinois, New York, England and Wales.