Speaking Engagement
Teleconference: Impact of the New ASTM Building Energy Performance Assessment (BEPA) Standard on the Commercial Real Estate Industry
Tuesday, March 15 05:00 AM GMT to 05:00 AM GMT
Presented by the American Bar Association's Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources
Monday, March 14, 20111:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time /10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time
The recently published ASTM Building Energy Performance Assessment (BEPA) Standard (E2797-11) is expected to have a significant impact on the commercial real estate industry because like the ASTM Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I) Standard, it is expected over time to be routinely incorporated as a due diligence requirement in commercial real estate transactions. It is expected to play a significant role in the implementation of the plethora of new building energy labeling, disclosure and mandatory auditing regulations now coming into place in many states and local units of governments including California, Washington, Seattle, New York City, and Washington, DC. Lawyers need to be knowledgeable about the BEPA standard and aware of the impact of these new state and local regulations so that they can effectively counsel their clients in connection with real estate transactions, regulatory compliance, disclosure obligations, and other legal issues that will arise in the implementation of this new standard.
Educational Objectives:
Provide an understanding of the new ASTM Building Energy Performance Assessment (BEPA) (Standard E2797-11) and how it complements existing standards;
Provide background on new state and local energy audit disclosure, benchmarking, labeling and retrofit/retro-commissioning;
Provide practice tips on how to advise clients regarding compliance with these matters; and how to effectively use and work with these standards.
Paul Hastings partner David J. Freeman is a featured panelist for this teleconference.For additional information and to register, visit the ABA website here.