Speaking Engagement
The 6th Annual LexisNexis Corporate Compliance Conference
Friday, February 24, 2012 - Saturday, February 25, 2012
06:00 AM GMT - 06:00 AM GMT
Program Overview:
From the law enforcement perspective, the US DOJ and SEC have made it clear that corruptive behavior will remain a high priority for enforcement. Over the past few years, FCPA enforcement by U.S. authorities has more than doubled, with recent investigations initiated in almost all major industries and regions across the world. No industry is immune from FCPA enforcement.
In the current Chinese market, foreign investors face an increasingly volatile business environment, coupled with higher corruption and fraud levels than they would usually face in their home countries. At the same time, the complexity and sophistication of Chinese laws is constantly evolving, often leaving foreign investor struggling to stay up to date and exposing them to potential risks.
In an environment such as this, it is critical to avoid getting caught in the regulatory crosshairs that your company takes the necessary steps to ensure that anti-corruption compliance is made an important corporate goal and priority that is taken seriously.
Event Highlights:
Updates for the latest settlements and investigations reveal about FCPA compliance priorities Adequate standards and global structures for anti-corruption compliance programs
Third parties management-How to apply the right level of due diligence pre-contact as well as preventative strategies for auditing and monitoring compliance
Challenges for In-house Counsel: How to ensure board buy-in of your anti-bribery compliance program
Experience sharing: tips for establishing effective red and green flags to prevent common gifts, entertainment and hospitality pitfalls in high risk markets