Speaking Engagement
The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai Social Insurance Law
Thursday, October 13 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT
As Shanghai awaits local implementation of regulations regarding the recent Social Insurance Law that has an October 15 compliance deadline, AmCham Shanghai invites you to a luncheon that will review the recent update to the law along with current local regulations that Shanghai passed in 2009.
The luncheon will take place on Wednesday, October 12 at the Four Seasons Hotel from 11:3013:30, where Jeffrey Wilson and Lesli Ligorner will speak on the Social Insurance Law. A panel discussion with Q&A will follow their presentations.
About the Speakers:
Jeffrey Wilson is a counsel at Jun He Law Offices and a member of the firms labor practice. His practice is limited to China labor matters, and he regularly advises on employment contract, union, benefits and non-compete issues. Jeffrey received his undergraduate degree from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon. He received his law degree and masters degree in Chinese studies from the University of Washington in Seattle. He also studied Mandarin at National Taiwan University. He first came to China in 1986 to work in Fuzhou, Fujian province. He is currently an adjunct professor in International and Comparative Labor Law at Shanghai University of Finance & Economics.
Lesli Ligorner is a partner at Paul Hastings, Shanghai Rep. Office.
11:30 Registration12:00 Luncheon12:30 Presentation, followed by panel discussion13:30 Program concludes
For more information about this event, please contact Krisanna Oopik, Committees Liaison at (krisanna.oopik@amcham-shanghai.org?subject=Social Insurance Law -).