

The Duty to Preserve Evidence in Civil Litigation How to Get a Competitive Edge

Wednesday, June 26 02:00 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST

Learn more about what you need to know to properly preserve relevant evidence in civil litigation. Regardless of whether you are a plaintiff or defendant, the failure to preserve relevant evidence can result in losing an otherwise winnable case.

Jay Worthington and Kevin Broughel of Paul Hastings LLP will present on topics including what triggers the duty to preserve evidence in civil litigation, how to avoid inadvertent spoliation of data, pitfalls to avoid in cross-border litigation, recent judicial trends in awarding sanctions for data destruction, the latest developments in e-discovery technology, and how to minimize e-discovery costs. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

RSVP to Julie Ahn (julieahn@paulhastings.com)

CLE Qualifications Pending Approval.


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