
Speaking Engagement

The Global Anti-Corruption Congress

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1:00 PM BST - 1:00 PM BST

The Essential Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Event for Global Corporations Seeking to Remain Compliant with the Ever Changing International Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery Landscape.

Attendees of this timely Global Anti-Corruption Congress walk away with best practices and proven strategies for:

  • Maintaining a top of the line anti-corruption compliance program that will minimize FCPA risk exposure

  • Utilizing risk assessment as an effective tool for continuously evaluating and auditing your business’ vulnerabilities

  • Preventing compliance missteps by employing efficient internal financial controls to detect and prevent books and records violations

  • Obtaining the optimal resolution of and surviving an FCPA enforcement action

  • Training and managing foreign employees

Benchmark with your in-house peers during the following roundtable discussions on:

  • The top 5 FCPA compliance challenges facing global corporate operations

  • Effective and properly-scoped internal investigation and what to do with the results

  • How to tackle unique bribery and corruption risks presented by joint ventures

  • Effective internal reporting mechanisms in a post-Dodd Frank whistleblower environment

  • M&A due diligence strategies for assessing FCPA risk exposure

  • How to effectively work with the board during an FCPA investigation

Take note during the following case study panels on:

  • Lessons learned from high profile FCPA declinations in 2012

  • The interplay between voluntary disclosure, government investigations and industry sweeps

  • SEC vs. IBM – focus on corporate reporting requirements, disclosures and compliance post-consent decree

On Day 2, Paul Hastings partner Palmina Fava is a featured panelist to discuss "FCPA Settlement Discussion - From Negotiation to Settlement and Beyond: Practical Tips on How to Work with the Government to Obtain the Optimal Resolution of and Survive an FCPA Enforcement Action."

For additional information and to register, visit the conference site here.

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