Speaking Engagement
Trading Practices, Portfolio Compliance and Related Enforcement Cases
Tuesday, September 24 2:00 PM GMT to 3:00 PM GMT
National Regulatory Services presents:As a fiduciary, an investment adviser has many obligations to the client including developing, implementing and testing policies, procedures and disclosures to ensure proper trading practices. Compliance, legal and trading experts will offer an overview of the trading process and appropriate best practices, and provide “hands-on” compliance solutions for the following mission-critical areas: fiduciary duty and client investment objectives/restrictions, aggregation, allocation, personal and proprietary trading, principal and agency cross transactions, side-by-side management, effective supervisory systems, and special considerations for hedge funds.
This session will focus on the critical risk area of portfolio compliance. Managing a client’s portfolio within relevant limitations and objectives is one of the most important fiduciary responsibilities of an investment adviser. Investment advisers are responsible for knowing their clients' investment policies, guidelines and mandates, as well as any other applicable investment restrictions, and for managing their clients’ accounts strictly in accordance with such guidelines and restrictions. The SEC views consistency of portfolio management decisions with clients' mandates as a primary internal control process.
Paul Hastings partner Mitch Nichter is a featured speaker.
For additional information and to register, visit http://www.nrs-inc.com/Events-Calendar/Trading-Practices-Portfolio-Compliance-and-Related-Enforcement-Cases/