Wage and Hour Forum: Staying Current in Your Wage-Hour Compliance Efforts
Wednesday, October 21 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT
Wage and Hour Forum: Back to Basics (with a focus on recent trends) - Staying Current in Your Wage-Hour Compliance Efforts
Earlier this month, U.S. Secretary of Labor, Hilda L. Solis, announced that the Labor Department is in the process of hiring 250 additional wage and hour investigators. A study concluding that workers are routinely victimized by wage and hour law violations recently was featured in The New York Times. Private lawsuits for overtime pay and other compensation continue to proliferate; plaintiffs lawyers continue creatively to look for new theories of liability. Employers that hoped the tidal wave of wage-hour enforcement proceedings and litigation would recede by now are surely disappointed.
As the economy recovers and companies search for ways to conserve their resources and limit their exposure, one thing remains certain: your best defense against potential class litigation or labor department investigations is to be informed and proactive.
Join us for this complimentary one-hour teleconference as our Paul Hastings wage and hour practitioners discuss the basics and nuances in areas that are frequently the subject of litigation:
Meal and Rest Periods
Compensable Time and Hours Worked
Managing BlackBerrys, smart phones, and remote log-in
Future teleconferences will discuss other issues at the heart of wage-hour compliance, such as exempt status, frequency and timing of pay, and recordkeeping.
There will be time for Q&A following the teleconference.
Please RSVP by Friday, October 16, 2009 to Kristi Sadler at or 213-683-5857.
A confirmation with dial-in instructions will be emailed prior to the teleconference.
CLE Qualifications:Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP is a State Bar of California, a State Bar of New York, a State Bar of Georgia and State of Illinois approved CLE provider and certifies that this activity is eligible for 1 hour of general credit in California, Georgia and Illinois and 1 hour of practice credit in New York.