
Speaking Engagement

What Does Dynamex Mean for California Employers and Workers?

Wednesday, May 09 1:00 PM PST to 2:00 PM PST


The California Lawyers Association's Labor & Employment Law Section presents: What Does Dynamex Mean for California Employers and Workers?

The California Supreme Court’s just-issued, unanimous, 85-page opinion in Dynamex is a treatise on how the Wage Orders govern independent contractor versus employer status in California. Michael Rubin, who argued for the workers, and Zachary Hutton, a wage-hour expert at Paul Hastings, will unpack Dynamex and help you translate for your clients one of the Court’s most significant wage-hour opinions in years. Speakers:Zachary Hutton, Paul Hastings LLPMichael Rubin, Altshuler Berzon LLP

Moderator:Bryan Schwartz, Bryan Schwartz Law

For more information, visit the event website or email LaborLaw@CAlawyers.org.

Practice Areas

Employment Law
