Practice Area Articles
IP Academy
December 13, 2020
By Paul Hastings Professional
IP Academy
Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below. Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below.Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below.Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below.Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below.Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below.Welcome to the IP Academy Page. Click the video you are interested in below.

Primer on Patent Infringement Damages
Description: Recent cases from the Federal Circuit and a variety of district courts highlight the evolving nature of damages issues in patent cases. Almost every case involves some form of challenge to the admissibility of one or both parties’ methodology. This CLE program presented an overview of the case law, discussed trends in the law, and suggested a framework for those charged with investigating damages claims as a plaintiff or defendant.
Speakers: Blair M. Jacobs and Charles Hawkins
Date of Live Presentation: October 6, 2016

On Sale Bar
Description: In this session, we reviewed recent cases from the federal courts highlighting the importance of the on-sale bar to companies litigating under the pre-AIA and AIA regimes. This CLE program presents an overview of those cases and their implications for companies, particularly those in the pharmaceutical space.
Speakers: Joseph O'Malley and Anand Patel
Date of Live Presentation: September 10, 2016