
Speaking Engagement

11th Annual Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress & Best Practices Forum

Thursday, October 21, 2010 - Saturday, October 23, 2010

04:00 AM GMT - 04:00 AM GMT

Transformational Learning - Effective Knowledge Exchange

October 20 - 22, 2010JW Marriott Hotel ~ Washington, DC

The Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum (PCF) is a coalition of senior compliance professionals and legal counsel from more than 50 of the largest research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers. The PCF was founded in early-1999 by compliance professionals from the pharmaceutical industry to promote effective corporate compliance programs. The members meet twice a year, for two days, focusing on open and informal sharing of compliance information, best practices, and current developments in the field, and sponsors a two-day international compliance congress in the Spring and a three-day US compliance congress each Fall.

Morgan Miller, partner in the Paul Hastings Litigation practice, is a featured speaker on Thursday, October 21st, at 2pm for the "FCPA/Anti-bribery Compliance Assessments" session.

For more information and to register, please visit the PCF website here.