
Speaking Engagement

12th International Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress

Monday, May 14, 2018 - Thursday, May 17, 2018

12:00 AM GMT - 12:00 AM GMT

Vienna, Austria

Rennweg 16, 1030 Wien

Vienna , Austria

The 2018 Co-Chairs led the design of the Congress around relevant Global Pharma and Medical Device Compliance Codes Update, current compliance issues, and emerging trends. Paul Hastings Litigation Department Partner, Gary Giampetruzzi, will participate on a panel during the Congress.

Hotel Savoyen, Vienna, AustriaMonday, May 14, 20189:00 am

**PRECONFERENCE II: Patient Support Programs: Risk and Risk Management Best Practices

**This is a deep dive workshop focusing on specific risks related to interacting with Patients and Patient Organizations through Patient Support Programme activities:

  • Definitions matter – what are we talking about? What are our business colleagues talking about? Is it the same?

  • What are the most common manifestations or structures of Patient Support Programmes?

  • What are the risks associated with these common activities? How do these risks “show up” – especially in relation to other activities?

  • What are best practices for governance and approvals of these activities?

  • How do you monitor these activities?

  • Speakers include:

    • Gary F. Giampetruzzi, JD, Partner, Paul Hastings; Former Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, Head, Government Investigations, Pfizer Inc., New York, NY, USA

    • Nicolas Honhon, Head, Ethics & Compliance EMEA, UCB Pharma, Vice-Chair, Ethics & Compliance Committee, EFPIA, Brussels, Belgium

    • Casey J. Horton, CFE Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences Disputes, Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations, Navigant Consulting, Chicago, IL, USA

    • Laurence Labey, MD Ethics and Business Integrity Business Partner for R&D and Chief Medical Officer, Sanofi, Paris, France

    • Ann Beasley, JD Director, Navigant Consulting; Former Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Biogen; Former Co-chair, International Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress, Boston, MA, USA (Moderator)

For more information, visit the conference website.