

ACI FCPA & Anti-Corruption for the Life Sciences Industry

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - Friday, June 21, 2019

12:00 AM GMT - 12:00 AM GMT

Park Lane Hotel

36 Central Park South

New York , USA

Join your peers for the most comprehensive discussion of industry-specific challenges and best practices at ACI’s 13th Advanced Forum on FCPA & Anti-Corruption for Life Sciences Industry, which kicks off on June 19th in New York City. Paul Hastings is a proud sponsor and our New York partner Gary Giampetruzzi is co-chair of the event. Gary will be joined by Joy Dowdle, a partner from our Houston office. Joy will be moderating an incisive panel on DOJ enforcement policies when interacting with HCPs. Gary will be providing a much-anticipated Town Hall update on the enhanced partnership between the DOJ Healthcare Fraud Unit’s Corporate Strike Force and FCPA Prosecutions.

Click here for more information and to view the full conference agenda. For those interested in attending as a guest, please reach out to Paul Hastings.