
Speaking Engagement

American Conference Institute presents its 6th National Advanced Forum on Hedge Funds & Investment Advisors

Friday, June 25, 2010 - Saturday, June 26, 2010

04:00 AM GMT - 04:00 AM GMT

In the aftermath of the financial meltdown and failures to detect fraudulent activity on Wall Street, the calls for financial regulatory reform have been loud and constant. Hedge funds in particular have been the focal point for those demanding greater oversight and accountability in our financial system. Those calls have been heeded, and the hedge fund industry will be greatly impacted.

ACIs 6th National Advanced Forum on Regulation and Enforcement of Hedge Funds & Investment Advisers will provide the information and tools necessary to successfully respond and adapt to the fast changing landscape.

June 24 - 25, 2010The Carlton on Madison Avenue88 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Paul Hastings partner Keith Miller is a featured panelist on Friday, June 25 to discuss "FINRA, State Attorney Generals, and Private Litigation: How to Face Other Players in the Field of Hedge Fund Enforcement and Litigation" at 1:15 pm.

To register and for additional information, visit the ACI website.