China Outbound M&A Outlook: Opportunities and Challenges
Wednesday, October 23 2:00 PM BST to 3:00 PM BST
Paul Hastings and MergerMarket present the launch of our comprehensive market report, “China Outbound M&A Outlook.”On October 23, we offer a program to learn more about the opportunities and challenges facing Chinese companies in going outbound.
SPEAKERS CONFIRMED INCLUDE:• Fanglu Wang, Senior Managing Director, CITIC Capital• Shiguang Zuo, Managing Director, Investment Banking Division, The Hina Group• Jeff Tao, Partner, Transaction Services, Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory Services Ltd.• Weijian Guo, M&A Manager, ABB (China) Ltd.• David Wang, Partner, Paul Hastings• Jia Yan, Partner, Paul Hastings (moderator)
AGENDA:10:30 am - Registration11:00 am - Opening Remarks by Paul Hastings11:15 am - Panel Discussion12:15 am - Q&A Session12:30 pm - Networking Lunch
TOPICS:• What are the main drivers influencing Chinese companies as they go outbound?• Which are the most attractive markets for Chinese companies and why? Are we likely to see more activity in emerging or developed markets?• How is the flow of Chinese outbound investment changing and what is the outlook for future investment trends in terms of the types of deals and the target industries?• What are the critical success factors for Chinese companies acquiring foreign assets or companies?• What are the major challenges – political, regulatory, financial – that companies face during the acquisition process? How are they adapting or trying to overcome these obstacles?• How easy is it for Chinese companies to gain acquisition financing and how is it best to structure that financing?
DATE:Wednesday, 23 October 2013
TIME:10:30 am – 2:00 pm
LANGUAGE:Chinese with English interpretation