
Speaking Engagement

Grappling with Corruption and Business in Brazil

Thursday, October 18 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

The American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section, Global Anti-Corruption Task Force; the ABA Section of International Laws Anti-Corruption Committee, the International Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, the Anti-Money Laundering Committee, the Latin America & Caribbean Committee; and the World Banks Poverty Reduction & Economic Management Section present:

Grappling with Corruption and Business in BrazilA panel with: Judge Fausto Martin De Sanctis

Wednesday, October 17, 201212:30 pm - 2:30 pmThe World Bank, Washington, DC

Explosive growth, massive development and the upcoming 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, places Brazil on the worlds centre stage. Judge De Sanctis and the panel will examine recent prosecutions of corruption in Brazil; discuss on-going efforts by prosecutors, inter-governmental organizations and the business community to address and combat corruption in that country; and examine the most effective strategies to meet corruption challenges for companies conducting business in Brazil.

Paul Hastings partner Thomas O'Brien is a featured panelist for this informative discussion.

The program will also feature a global web-cast component. For additional information, contact Larissa Chiu lchiu@worldbank.org.