
Speaking Engagement

Litigation Risk Management Series: Minimizing Litigation Risks in International Commercial Agreements

Wednesday, December 07 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT

BNA presents its Litigation Risk Management Series with a focus on "Minimizing Litigation Risks in International Commercial Agreements."

Tuesday, December 06, 20111:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET

Every company with international agreements or operations is exposed to the risk that their contractual relationships will produce a significant dispute in a foreign country. Companies that prepare for a potential dispute with an international counter-party well before one emerges are better positioned to more efficiently and effectively resolve the dispute once it occurs.

This program's faculty will discuss:• Drafting contractual dispute resolution provisions: International arbitration and foreign court clauses• Negotiating agreements with foreign governments and their instrumentalities• Utilizing protections contained in bilateral investment treaties and investment chapters of free trade agreements

For additional information and to register, visit the BNA website here.